Wednesday 26 July 2017

Ghost- Making a Predication

Walt: make a prediction based on the cover and blurb of Ghost by Jason Reynolds

I was able to look at the pictures to me ideas and clues about the story. What I was unable to do was looking at the blurb and trying to find keywords to make me have a clue or a idea of the story. 

So next time I would look carefully at the blurb to find keywords to make me have an idea of the story. 

Words That End With-E

Thursday 6 July 2017

Matariki Celebration - Phases of the Moon

Matariki Celebration - Phases of the Moon 

My Refection:

When I first started it was a bit hard for me but I then after the lesson I learnt that waxing means getting bigger and waning is getting smaller, and that there are  eight phases of the moon. My brilliant teacher Mrs Pittaway made it confusing by making them all muddled up because we're year 6's.

Next time I would love to do more of this and try to not get tricked because I know that my marvelous teacher Mr Pittaway has more up her sleeve.

Monday 3 July 2017

Mini Investigation - Easter

WALT: Understand passing on messages is important so we understand why we celebrate.

Me and my Group - Caitlin, Sukie, and Shaniqua did the mini investigation about easter.  I found out that we have eggs in easter because it's the symbol of a new life or a new beginning, it's a tradition of getting hard boiled eggs during the time of spring. 

I now understand what easter means, and I think that we should tell everyone about easter because if we didn't they will just think that easter is just a day when we all get chocolate. But it goes more deeper that that.