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Monday, 7 November 2016
WALT: Perimeter
WALT: Perimeter
My Refection:
I am proud of my work because I started and I got my work almost finish and I thought that it was really easy because I am good at Perimeter.
Wednesday, 2 November 2016
Toitoi Reading
My Refection:
I think that I did a bit well because I didn't finish even one but I and almost done with my fist one I just need to type a few words in then I will be done. Net time I would like to have something easy and a bit hard.
Measurement Scavenger Hunt
My Refection:
I am most proud of my work because I did really well in measuring things. And I really loved doing that it was so fun but I didn't finish it, So I will finish it some stage. Next time I would like to do this again.
Tired Words
My Refection:
I think that I did really good because I had some challenging words. I think that I need to improve on finishing it quick because I didn't have much time to finish the tired words. Next time I will make sure that I am really on to my work.
Monday, 12 September 2016
Translating Maori Words
Translating Maori Words
My Refection:
I did really well because Ella helped me do it and I got this slide finish in one day. Next time I would like to have a harder one because I want to challenge myself so bring it on.
Kites - Forces and Motion
Forces and Motion
My Refection:
I did OK because I needed lots of help and I was really stuck. So Next time I would like to have easy one but a bit hard because I needed lots of help and I got stuck a lot so please can I have a easy one but hard a bit.
100 Word Challenge
100 Word Challenge
My Refection:
I think I did OK because when I was half way of typing my story I got stuck then I needed help but then Ella helped me so I got to finish my story. Next time I would like to have a hard one please because I am a year 5 I can handil these kind of stuff and to challenge myself.
Monday, 15 August 2016
Non-Fiction Fiction
My Reflection:
I think it was easy because I knew what was fiction and non-fiction so it was really good but for Rosie she didn't know what fiction and non-fiction so then I had to do all the work and I felt like Rosie was not learning anything.So next time I would like to have a one that me and Rosie can do it together so I don't do all the working and Rosie doesn't get to learn anything.
I think it was easy because I knew what was fiction and non-fiction so it was really good but for Rosie she didn't know what fiction and non-fiction so then I had to do all the work and I felt like Rosie was not learning anything.So next time I would like to have a one that me and Rosie can do it together so I don't do all the working and Rosie doesn't get to learn anything.
Friday, 5 August 2016
Showing Connections In Maths
My Refection:
I think I did well because when I didn't know want to do I thought I will fail because when people don't know something they fail to do the test, but when coco helped me to do it then I got the hang of it.So next time I will like to go up and what ever hard questions I can do it so bring it on!
Monday, 1 August 2016
Simple Sentences
My Refection:
It was hard because when I was reading out the book I was reading we had no statement or no
exclamation but we had found heaps of sentences of rhetorical question and heaps of command. So next time I would like to have more time to learn how to write sentences of statement and exclamation.
My Holiday
My Reflection:
It was hard because I tried to find the statement and the exclamation in my story and when I was finding it I thought that I can´t finish my writing when the statement and the exclamation was right in my face.So next time I would like to stay on what I am doing because I am not that good at what I am doing for writing but at lest I got to finish this.
Friday, 8 July 2016
We were learning to: make an argument with a teacher for the class to have a day off school.
Why I deserve a day off school.
We were learning to: make an argument with a teacher for the class to have a day off school.
My Refection:
I think I did well because it took me time to do this thing and I think I do deserve a day off school, cause all that hard working I think this is great and I hope you like it Miss Fisher and everybody else that is looking at my blog.So next time I would like to have another time to do this again I hope.
Tuesday, 5 July 2016
WALT: write an argument
I was learning to write an argument
My Refection:
I think I did well because I had some help with my friends well kind of but it was really good and it helped me a lot.So next time I will like to have another one and we will do the same thing as what we did for Amusement park or the beach.
Friday, 24 June 2016
My Reflection:
I did well because Kael helped me a lot and I just want to thank him for doing that when I was at choir. And I helped him too so we helped each other so we did team work and that helped both of us to finish what we need to do. next time i would like to do one of these but working as a team so it was easy and now I would like to have a harder one for me and Kael so we could work as a team again
Tuesday, 24 May 2016
Sharks Comparison
My Reflection:
I am most proud of my work that I done because I was getting on to my work and I was concentrating on my work.Next time I would like to have a more hard one for me.
Friday, 13 May 2016
3, 2, 1... Lift Off!
My Refection:
I think I well and a bit hard because the easy part was to the Who, What, Where, How, When and Why. The hard part was to think what was the words mean and I looked in the dictionary.com and the Sentence I couldn't know what it means so then I did a question mark. Next time I would like to have a bit easy one and if it is too easy or too hard well then I will like to have just the right one for one.
Thursday, 12 May 2016
100 word challenge
My Refection:
I think it was a bit easy and hard at the same time because I had to think about where it will lead to and what can you see it was kind of tricky to do.It was easy to think of some ideas but it was hard to do 100 words because when I did a some words and when I counted it was lots of words so then I had to short it a bit. So next time I would like to have a one not to hard or not to easy I just want one just the right one for me.
Wednesday, 13 April 2016
Matilda Who Told Lies, And was burned to death
This was a bit hard because it was hard to find good ideas to answer the questions but I think I did well on my work. Next time I would like to have a bit of an easy one for me and not too hard for me. It was some of the words that were hard for me.
Monday, 21 March 2016
Adding -full to the end of a word
My Reflection:
This was easy because we had an easy work to do and that we had typed it fast.Next time I would like to have a harder one for me.
Thursday, 17 March 2016
Maths Word Problems
WALT: find the key information on a word problem.
My Reflection:
I am proud of my self because I knew the key words and I learned some new strategy.Next time I will make my self proud and work even harder and I want to some a little bit hard ones so I can challenge my self.
Beach Recount
WALT: follow the structure of a recount and use descriptive language
My Reflection:
This was easy and hard because I written a cool recount and got my work all done, and the hard bit was when I had to put in describing words
My Reflection:
This was easy and hard because I written a cool recount and got my work all done, and the hard bit was when I had to put in describing words
Thursday, 10 March 2016
Little Red Riding Hood Venn Diagram.
WALT: use a Venn Diagram to compare characters.
This is a Venn Diagram. It shows the similarities and differences. This one is of Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf.
My Reflection:
This was easy because I read the book and I knew about the wolf and little red riding hood.
Next time I will want to have some hard stores to do.
This is a Venn Diagram. It shows the similarities and differences. This one is of Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf.
My Reflection:
This was easy because I read the book and I knew about the wolf and little red riding hood.
Next time I will want to have some hard stores to do.
Wednesday, 9 March 2016
Adjective noun verb adverb
My Reflection:
This was a little bit hard (the u, t and w because we didn't know words for these) and easy (a, b and c). I learnt new words from doing this. I could use this for writing.
Monday, 7 March 2016
My Reflection:
This was easy because I knew which ones which.
Next time I would like to do some more words to do on spelling time and more harder ones for me.
Wednesday, 2 March 2016
Enlargement Art

First we all got a piece of enlargement and then we got a small paper and it had a picture. So then we had to copy it and put it on our enlargement paper with pencil.Then we had to color it in with pastel.

It was difficult because we had to make the right shape and that we have to make it the same so it can match the other pieces.
Because I now that loyal means we help another and we work as a team and for lions we are smart and strong and take new things also we never give up we just keep on trying.
My goal is to work hard and keep my voice down.
Monday, 22 February 2016
Letter To The Author
To: The Brothers Grimm.a
Dear Brothers Grimm,
I really liked the Hansel and Gretel story. the thing I liked the most was when they found their way home with gold and money.
i didn’t like it when they were poor but then at the ending they became rich! so that is why i liked your story.
by meilaniah!!!!!!!
Friday, 12 February 2016
Welcome Post 2016
Welcome to my learning for 2016. I am a Year 5 and I am in room 25 and my teachers name is Miss Fisher. I enjoyed doing new things and meeting new people. My goal this year is getting amazing feedback and my family being proud of me and myself. Also I really want to be a House Captain. 

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